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If your company is starting to pick up speed, it might be time to start thinking about getting operations insurance. However, this can be a big task. After all, how do you find the right operations insurance for your company while avoiding the most common pitfalls? Luckily, there are some things you can look into to find the right company and enjoy peace of mind with your provider.

Recent Track Record of Payouts

Look at your potential insurance providers online and ask around. See if similar businesses have had incidents lately. If they did, what was the payout like? Did they get anything from the insurance company? Were the rates raised a lot afterwards? Answering questions like this will be crucial in your decision.


Speed of Responses

When trying out different potential insurance companies, take note of how fast they respond. A fast response rate indicates they really care about earning and keeping your business. Slow response rates could be a drag on your company when you really need the insurance the most.


Culture Fit

Does the insurance company seem to have a culture that would work well with your own? These are people who you will be communicating with regularly, so you want to be sure and evaluate how similar you are and if you are on the same page with what you care about most.



Any great operational insurance company will have satisfied customers. Not only that, but they will want to share their success stories with you. Ask for testimonials and look elsewhere if they can’t provide any.



There is no getting around the fact that you will need to outlay some capital in order to acquire the right insurance. However, it doesn’t have to more than you can afford. Be sure to look around for great rates on your insurance. In addition, you can often lower your rate by taking steps to lower your risk or improve the insurance company’s ability to find the person responsible for breaking operations protocol. For instance, a remote video monitoring service can help you keep an eye on workers. If someone has an accident, it is much easier to track it back to them and keep your insurance premiums at a lower rate.


When it comes to your insurance on operations, you can never be too safe. The right insurance can give you the peace of mind that your company can keep going without worrying about mistakes. Check out the advice above and use it to help you make what is a very important decision for your company.